Their deaths could have been prevented by letting the military do its job - killing the enemy.
State put their finger on everyone in the chain of command in order to cripple them.
Thanks to human intel on the ground, we were warned about a mascal situation brewing. The remarkable Afghanis who wanted to save their country from towel headed morons who hate Christians and Jews, only wanting to provide a better life for their families, had even pinpointed the hotel room where the planning was taking place.
Yes, Martha, the State Department was made aware of this meeting and decided to abort an AGM-114 Hellfire missile meeting that had been scheduled for these Godless murderers.
All the subsequent carnage lies directly at the feet of State.
And those Afghanis were left behind by Biden and Harris ('the last one in the room...'). They and their families were tortured and murdered by the Taliban.
Thanks Joe and Kamala...
Again, I learned early on State was the enemy of our military. Even as an Army Brat, I observed how the filthy Demoncrats inserted the military in their problem and then produced a quagmire.
No, Martha, not Quagmire on Family Guy - "Giggity-giggity!"...
I hope General Eisenhower is kicking the crap out of Charles de Gaulle in his frustration for getting the United States involved in the filthy French adventures in Indochina...
Presidents Reagan and Trump were known for their disentanglements from such.
President Reagan left Lebanon in order to concentrate on the Demoncrat's buddies in leftist Central America.
The Sandinistas presented much more of a tangible threat with the potential spread of their harsh Marxist and Communist agenda.
Consequently, the Demoncrats fought President Reagan tooth and nail to interfere with those efforts.
Further, President Trump had, for the most part, enough sound advice (excluding General Milley, candidate in the top 10 for the NEN...) to provide an orderly exit from decades of war.
"I have a picture of your home..." he pointed out to the Taliban leader.
Taken from space...
Eighteen months without a casualty.
Biden did what every Demoncrat has done in my lifetime:
"Let's use the military as janitors and sweep this Afghanistan mess away; disregard any embarrassment to the stupid military."
Joe was excited about this, and, coupled with the fact the Demoncrats could reap some sort of benefit by screwing our military on 9/11, only made it better.
Unidentified sources have revealed he lost his maxillary implant-retained prosthesis when a very low level staffer presented this idea to him.
I am unsure, however, if Robinette, in fact, stated:
"Who cares if folks get killed; I'll be on the beach while Hunter is having his way with Dr. Biden. It'll just be me and Ashley..."