Captain Mike Kahn
CPT Kahn and I established a close relationship out of the gate.
Colonel Maddox had to ensure his newest dental officer was clinically sound.
Unknown to me at the time, COL Maddox had a favorable view of UT-trained dental officers he had encountered over his twenty year career.
Nevertheless, right out of dental school...
I had confidence in my abilities in that regard, but COL Maddox threw me a curve ball:
After four years of dental school and all my treatment being rendered from the right side of the dental chair, I was now about to switch to the left side.
CPT Kahn's chair...
Muscle memory be damned; let's create more...
God, again, to the rescue. There was a surprisingly easy transition to this new position.
I was, however, quite thankful that, after a month, COL Maddox assigned me to 'team' status.
And I was assigned two brand new dental assistants who are such an integral part of the dental team.
One of those assistants was Dottie Murray, transplanted from Massachusetts.
Or should I say 'saved' from Massachusetts?
A good friend as well as a highly talented dental assistant, Dottie truly made dentistry even more enjoyable that it already was...
Our team DTA was Kathy; I would provide anesthesia, move to a second patient I had previously anesthetized and was ready for treatment. After my operative procedures were accomplished, Kathy would place the restorations; I cycled back to the other patient who was now comfortably numb.
I know, Martha - Pink Floyd...
After completion of the operative procedures on that patient, I would evaluate the just-completed work of my very talented DTA.
Kathy did beautiful work...