This Stolen Valor Piece Of Sh*t, with 24 mediocre years of 'service' in the military, was no leader.
Further, he was a member of the National Guard of Minnesota.
Not the 101st Airborne or the Second Infantry Division.
The National Guard is not the Army, even the weakened, Woke-infected military suffering the devolution seen in the past decades.
Thanks, Demoncrats.
Depending on its leadership, however, there are a number of quite effective soldiers in the nation's National Guard.
That is in contrast to the New York guardsman in the NYC subway - an overweight, slouching 'soldier' with a Second Infantry patch on his right shoulder.
Just one of many cowardly unmanly men utilizing stolen valor on a daily basis.
The last time the 2ID Warriors were in a designated combat zone was in the seventies...
On rare occasion, the National Guard is called upon to support active duty operations; such was the case when this asshole's unit was assigned to Italy in order to support the
Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends told Alpha News that Walz in fact left the Army after receiving a warning order that his unit, 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion, was to be deployed to Iraq.
"He abandoned us. ... As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way, hung his hat up and quit," Behrends said.
The former Minnesota National Guard soldier explained that he was next in line in the unit to take the command sergeant major's slot and stepped up and deployed to Iraq for nearly two years.
Further, this bastard A-WALZ Tim voted against President Trump's bill to increase health care availability for veterans.
Anecdotally, I injured my knee while moving boxes across a wet floor; after a couple of weeks, I decided it was time to use one of my 'benefits' as an honorably discharged soldier.
Initially, I was impressed that I was able to see someone in a couple of weeks, acquiring my VA card, filling out forms and getting radiographs of the injured knee.
I waited for an ortho appointment; the pain was increasing daily.
Well, I waited.
And waited...
Six months later, I see a very old man who feebly walks into the little room in which I had been waiting for some time. I immediately thought "Hope this guy is not the orthopedic surgeon...".
Yes, Martha, you guessed it. This worthless idiot, well paid I am sure, tossed the radiograph on the desk.
"It's just arthritis; my wife has it."
To quote the High-end Call Girl, I didn't just fall out of a coconut tree.
Although I almost did in Hawaii, but I digress...
Sure there was calcific degeneration noted in the joint - I had been waiting for more than six months to get 'professional treatment'. No, this was an injury, not arthritis.
Medicaire Misty, the mother of Lee Coker's stud son, set me up with private insurance.
Medicare Misty
Misty is delightful and easy on the eyes...
Her husband is also a stud veteran.
Tampon Tim, wanting to hurt Trump, voted against his own brother veterans.
Further, this POS endorsed a book that claimed he had served in Afghanistan.
Oh yeah - sawdust pit with this worthy-of-execution Stolen Valor SOB would be such a stress relief...
Stolen Valor is a serious offense to all veterans and most civilians, but is not nearly as damaging to society than the surrender of our educational system to the Demoncrat, Marxist, Communist and Socialist powers.
If I came home from Whitthorne Junior High or Central High in Columbia, and regurgitated some of the evil anti-American bilge as put forth by this toad - a 'teacher' - my father would have snatched me out and enrolled me in Columbia Military Academy.
Regarding Tampon Tim the Teacher:
After graduating from Chadron State College in 1989, Walz accepted a one-year teaching position with WorldTeach in Foshan No.1 High School in Guangdong, China.[19][5][20] After returning, Walz took a job teaching and coaching in Alliance, Nebraska, and in 1993 he was named Outstanding Young Nebraskan by the Nebraska Junior Chamber.[21]
Building the framework for another Manchurian Candidate, Tampon Tim the Teacher:
From one of the Demoncrat's more salivating suck-ups, Politico:
Walz graduated with a social science degree from Chadron State College in 1989. He earned a Master of Science in educational leadership from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2001.
(Where the hell is Chadron State? This bloviating POS Stolen Valor scum didn't even go to a university as an undergraduate.)
Yet another piece of incredibly beneficial advice from my father, derived from his extensive recon of various Senior ROTC programs associated with excellent academic universities, lead me to UTC.
Thanks, again, God.
As far as UTCHS medical and dental schools admission boards were concerned, there were only two universities ranked higher than UTC - Austin Peay and Vandy.
I would wager that Chadron State College or Minnesota State University were not in the consideration list for the son of a Command Sergeant Major...
He spent a year 'teaching' in China after college before returning full time to the Army.
He traveled to China with one of the first government-sanctioned groups of American educators to teach in Chinese high schools.
Why was Tampon Time given a much better-appointed suite than other 'teachers' at this school?
And the only one with a color TV.
Grooming the Big Guy...
He still speaks Mandarin.
Yes, Martha, you smelled it - A-WALZ Tampon Tim wants to be the next 'big guy'...
Walz 'taught' geography and 'coached' high school football. He was an assistant 'coach'.
This POS Stolen Valor traitor pontificated
“I don’t know if every high school geography teacher expects to be in this position at some point.”
He was the faculty adviser for the school’s first gay-straight alliance chapter in 1999.
Politico points out that Tampon Tim did not overload his students. He wanted them to wrestle with issues like the Cambodian genocide and the French government treatment of Muslims.
Walz also organized trips to China for his students, leveraging connections he had established while teaching English there in 1989. Kristina Backman, Mankato West class of 1998, went on one of those nearly three-week-long trips, during which they visited the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, and Hong Kong.
The next 'Big Guy' was married on the date of
Tiananmen Square.
No, Martha, I am not kidding...
Further, Tampon Tim was viciously anti-police, yet was tied to a Chinese police facility in the Twin Cities:
"Global ...."
Good luck finding anything about this, as Big Tech has already removed all negative info about this POS, as well as that for his 'High-end call girl' partner in crime.
Thank God for Elon Musk.
And Donald Trump.
This pro-Walz corporation was a Chinese front company for a de facto Chinese police facility, similar to others found in NYC and California.
A-WALZ Tampon Tim viewed as compliments, when throngs of Chinese children mocked him with:
'The Big Nosed One'
'The Foreign Devil'
Greasing the skids for admission to the 'Big Guy Club', Stolen Valor Shithead invited Chinese dignitaries to his inauguration.
Any listening devices left behind?
Anyone feel there is a bit of national security implication here?
I rest easy knowing our Secdef Lloyd 'Jowls' Austin
AKA Lloyd 'AWOL' Austin
is protecting us, with notable backup by someone like General Mark 'Traitor' Milley as Joint Chief of Staff chairman.
God help us.